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EF: Legal requirement for double box symbol on new class 2 appliances?

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EF: Legal requirement for double box symbol on new class 2 appliances?



Legal requirement for double box symbol on new class 2 appliances?

Hi. I recently bought an electrical ceramic heater which was described as class 2. Now I've opened the packaging, I can see that the rating plate rather bizzarely shows an earth symbol, but states its class 2 (without a double box symbol)! The cable is 2 core. Waiting on reply from the supplier now to see what their explanation is (before I send it back....). Apparently a UK-based company.

Putting aside the earth symbol, the question is whether it is legal to just state something is class 2, without the double box symbol? Some online sites seem to say that an appliances "should" or "mostly" show the symbol, suggesting that it might not always be there. But then any PAT tester not seeing the class 2 symbol will test as class 1 and fail. Is it an absolute requirement for class 2 appliances to show the double box symbol?

Legal requirement for double box symbol on new class 2 appliances? to Continue reading...

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