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EF: How can they justify the increase in your electricity bill !?

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EF: How can they justify the increase in your electricity bill !?



How can they justify the increase in your electricity bill !?

Just had a email from E-on to say my yearly bill is going up £81 from £103 - £184.
Now this has got me wondering how they can justify this ---

Firstly it is for a spare feeder pillar in a field that uses 0 kWh per year , so the increase from 19p to 29p per kWh should not effect the end bill.
Added to that , even if It was using power , they make a big song and dance about only supplying 100% renewable , so how does the cost of oil suddenly make this more expensive to produce !???

Then the standing charge has near on doubled from 28p per day to 50p per day . Again how does the cost of oil , effect the cost of twisting a couple of cables together ?
Me thinks someone is taking the pish ☹️

How can they justify the increase in your electricity bill !? to Continue reading...

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