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EF: Help identifying these diodes

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EF: Help identifying these diodes



Help identifying these diodes

Hello everyone!
Im trying to fix a device and upon looking into the diodes, I noticed something odd.
Even though they are all marked the same, the flower like symbol and "MG", the values on the multimeter vary quite a bit between the diodes.
Also, even if the symbol and MG are oriented the same way, some of the diodes are measured one way, others the oposite way, and two of them both ways!!
This leads me to believe they are defective and need to be replaced.
Also, for context, this is a cheap chinese clone of an expensive device. It has about 15 of these diodes
Its got some stability issues and also some power issues.

Anyway, TLDR. I need help identifying these diodes, based on the pictures of the diodes and some of the readings. They all measure 4.5mm*3.6mm*2.5mm

Thanks in advance

[ElectriciansForums.net] Help identifying these diodes

[ElectriciansForums.net] Help identifying these diodes

[ElectriciansForums.net] Help identifying these diodes

[ElectriciansForums.net] Help identifying these diodes

Help identifying these diodes to Continue reading...

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