Extraneous conductive part test
Hi all, im aware of the test needed to be done when trying to find out if a metallic object is an extraneous conductive part but for example, if you had a copper water supply system in a house that is fed with a plastic incomer pipe out the ground you will always receive a low resistance reading due to multiple connections within the system ie at the boiler and water heating tank, is the only option to start physically disconnecting the boiler and all earth connections at boiler and immersion heater, control system to get a true reading? Even if you did and you had a high enough reading to determine that it did not require mains bonding, once connected back together the reading becomes low again so surely it would need to be bonded? What would an acceptable reading be to not have to add its own 10mm bonding cable?
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Hi all, im aware of the test needed to be done when trying to find out if a metallic object is an extraneous conductive part but for example, if you had a copper water supply system in a house that is fed with a plastic incomer pipe out the ground you will always receive a low resistance reading due to multiple connections within the system ie at the boiler and water heating tank, is the only option to start physically disconnecting the boiler and all earth connections at boiler and immersion heater, control system to get a true reading? Even if you did and you had a high enough reading to determine that it did not require mains bonding, once connected back together the reading becomes low again so surely it would need to be bonded? What would an acceptable reading be to not have to add its own 10mm bonding cable?
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