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EF: Class 2 light fitting

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EF: Class 2 light fitting



Class 2 light fitting

Hi all,

Just been to fit some lights for a customer in a couple of bathrooms. Customer supplied the fittings.
Turned up unboxed etc. fitting states it is class 2 on the packaging, as well as in the instruction manual repeatedly. Including prohibiting fitting an earth.
Attached are photos of said fitting. Single insulated cables grommeted out the metallic back (with incredibly limited scope to make the connections, or accommodate the cable from the ceiling). Fitting is entirely metal other than the "lens", with metal studs, a metallic ring that affixes to said studs retaining the lens. I'm not losing the plot, this is categorically not a class 2 double insulated fitting, right?!

Discussed with the customer and agreed I would supply suitable fittings and return to fit when I also complete their outside lights.

[ElectriciansForums.net] Class 2 light fitting

[ElectriciansForums.net] Class 2 light fitting

[ElectriciansForums.net] Class 2 light fitting

Class 2 light fitting to Continue reading...

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